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Estos dias con tanta informacion sobre el Devil May Cry 4, no he podido poner la videoguia del primer Devil May Cry.
Os traigo la misión 7.

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Fuente: Youtube

S-Rank Requirements:

Time: 3:00
Red Orbs: 650

Normally, the Kyklops Secret Mission is saved until the intermission between Mission 7 & 8, where time and damage don't count against you. But I thought I would try and do it as a part of Mission 7 - however, I couldn't get it under 3:00 and to do so would have been crazy. I couldn't skip Phantom either, because I needed his red orbs for the Red Orb requirement. The fastest time I got was 3:08, but I took a hit =/ ... In this uploaded run, I got 3:17.

Incidentally, you don't need to do the Secret Mission to get an SB. It's actually much, much easier to get the SB without it. (Unless you get one of those rare, but unfortunate, games where the SB simply doesn't exist in Mission 7: at all.)

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