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Ya sabeis que ultimamente os estoy poniendo un nivel del primer Devil May Cry en el nivel DMD.
En estos video podeis ver que hay que hacer para pasarse todos los niveles en Rango S.

Hoy toca la misión 3.

Ver explicación...

S-Rank requirements:

Time: 3:00
Red orbs: 550
Damage: 20-25% (from the water only)

This mission is... nuts.

The time limit of 3:00 includes *compulsory* completion of the secret mission. (So even if I weren't doing a 100% game, I would still need to do this secret mission to get the SB.) That leaves you with about 20-25 seconds left over for defeating Phantom. Literally.

I used to be better at this mission than I was. Seems like I got out of practice, and lost my confidence... :-/. It was a struggle, but after much whingeing, I got past with a time of 2:59.

It didn't go perfectly. I messed up slightly against the Sargassoes (normally I take out the first two with a single shot), but I only lost about 1 second of time. The Phantom went mostly okay, but I have a serious problem with getting maximum damage from my slashes - I probably don't hit Phantom from up high enough :-/ ... I hitched a nice ride at the end, though :p

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