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Buenos días!!!
Ayer ya os explique que empiezo una nueva sección en la que os traeré unos videos de un verdadero viciado al Devil May Cry. Ya sabeis como pasaros la primera misión del primer Devil May Cry. Hoy toca la segunda misión.
Esta vez os pondré la explicación que hace el "Maestro", lo que pasa es que está en inglés, pero se entiende bastante bien y la mejor explicación es el video.

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S-Rank Requirements:

Time: 7:00
Red Orbs: 450

This is Mission 2 of my fun DMD 100% challenge :p

In the fountain room, you have a 50% chance of getting Blades or Sin Scythes. Sin Scythes are almost pathetically easy to deal with: equip the shotgun, shoot once to stun it, shoot again to kill it.

For Blades, it's best to go for the critical hit point on their back: shoot once from the front to stun it, run/jump behind it, shoot once from the back to send it rolling through the air - then jump and slash down on its back for an instant kill. If you've got the grenade gun, then you don't need to stun the Blade first - just get right behind it and shoot it in the back.

I got Blades on my SB run. Trying to tackle them on the ground is too maddening and frustrating (the camera angles are just way too bad), so I kick-jumped up to the balcony and took them out on a one-by-one basis at leisure :p

For the Sin Scissors at the end, I critical-hit two of them. You'll see the same thing in Mission 3 in Secret Mission 1. I'll describe how to CH a Sin Scissors in the Mission 3

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